
Jehovah Shamah Ministries, Inc. (386) 201-8940
January 2022 Volume 5 | Issue 1

Happy New Year, Fellow Intercessors!

I am encouraged by God in this new year. Do we have promises that there will not be problems or challenges?  Absolutely not.  Do we have promises that our Great God is always doing good?  Absolutely YES!! And God’s word to me on January 1st was to do good.

The Messiah knows all about good! He was present and participating with God at the time the earth was created, and God spoke over and over in the first chapter of Genesis that his creation was good!  In Mark 3:1-6 we see Jesus on the Sabbath. “Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, ‘Stand up in front of everyone.’  Then Jesus asked them, ‘Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?’ But they remained silent” (Mark 3:3-4). The Sabbath was a day the Pharisees thought that he should do nothing but rest. However, when Jesus saw a man with a shriveled hand, and it was in his power to do something good to change his life forever,  Jesus knew exactly what he needed to do. Our Lord never ceases to do good!

In John 9, Jesus—again on the Sabbath—heals a man that was born blind. The Pharisees just knew this was the wrong day and the wrong man.  It was the day of rest and they were furious! They were questioning the healed man about what had happened. As he explained it to them, they replied, “‘You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!’ And they threw him out.” Satan has lots of rules about when and how “good” can be done, and they pretty much all boil down to never and no one. He says, “Wrong day, wrong time, wrong person!”  The enemy’s voice always accuses God and his children of being wrong, and we need to remember that. But Jesus knew exactly who he was and what he was doing– the work of the Father–and there is just no accounting for our Father’s surprises and his goodness to those who the enemy says are the wrong ones at the wrong time.   Jesus says they are the right ones, and it is the right time!

The assignment that Jesus gave the disciples– and we are his disciples– was to keep doing the good that he had begun for us. They were to love, hear his voice, obey, make disciples, teach, heal the sick, raise the dead, and use their gifts.

Furthermore, there are promises for those who continue to follow his example and “do good”, and there are consequences for those who live evil lives. “God ‘will repay each person according to what they have done.’ To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”  Romans 2:6-8

Take note, the enemy’s message is not to expect anything good this year or ever.  He reminds us of the troubles that he has brought on the earth, and warns us not to expect anything different this year. He says that it is the wrong day and time to expect the goodness of God. He attempts to hold us back from expecting good and doing good. But Jesus on days unexpected to people undeserving has shown the heart of His Father to always do good!  Why would he stop now?  The Lord asks of us, to continue to follow him in doing good each day, in season and out, when convenient, when inconvenient, even to people undeserving.  And then we will receive eternal life, glory, honor, and peace.

I woke up on January 2nd with “Happy Birthday” playing in my mind. Our Father has new and good things for us to birth in this new year.  Therefore, let’s keep our eyes fixed on what the Kingdom of Heaven is birthing, not what the world is trying to birth.  We have a different King!

Have a Happy, Very Good, New Year!!

We now have our website back up and working.  You may always check our website for prayer updates, additions, and answers to prayer at

Keep an eye out for the next newsletter which will be coming out very shortly with some powerful directions from Libby Hinkle!

The Warrior’s Creed

It is written and we believe …
We have been crucified with Christ and raised up to sit at the right hand of God the Father Almighty in Christ Jesus. We are far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named. We are complete in Christ, in Whom the fullness of the Godhead dwells, Who is the head of all principality and power. God is at work in us to will and to do His good pleasure. He has taught our hands to war and our fingers to do battle. We wear the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit. We have authority in Jesus Christ to bind Satan, plunder his house, and set the captives free. We have authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us for we are more than conquerors. Though we walk in the flesh, we war with weapons that are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down every high thing that exalts itself against God, and bringing every thought captive unto Christ. We submit ourselves to the will of God. We resist the devil and he  must flee.

(Compiled by Ann Blanton)


We are continuing with the prayers from the last newsletter with some additions (in purple print) and a great answer to prayer already on one point!  New prayer points are coming very soon, probably in a week, with the next newsletter.

We love to begin with praise and worship of God! He is our Savior, Deliverer, Healer, Hope,  Strong Tower, Judge and Justice when the world looks crazy.  He is the Stability of our times, our Sheppard, Abba Father, and everything we have need of!  Praise his Holy Name! Let’s remember who He is as we pray.

Pray for the body of Christ

  • To come into the full realization of the power that has been given us. That we will use God’s gifts with faith and power in the direction that His Spirit leads to bring salvation, Holy Spirit in-filling, healing, freedom, restoration, and building of God’s kingdom.
  • For protection and blessings on families in this new year.       Increased love and beautiful ministry moments within families and among friends, continuing on to new acquaintances.                                             Protection and victory in areas of the mind, emotions, and bodies (especially of believers) so that we can know who we are as kingdom family, be who we need to be, and show the way to others.
  • For all battling the new variant of Covid that is so prevalent at this time. May there be no more variants!
  • To have increase in divine appointments and our ability to recognize and take advantage of them, and to get involved in the Father’s business. Remember that even when we have limited physical contact, our phone calls, text, and prayers are an important ministry that can touch many lives!
  • For us to make new dedication and receive fresh anointing for insight, wisdom, strength, peace, and clear direction in the new year. Father, fire us up with your Spirit to go forth with power to use in practical, spirit-led ways in 2022. Father draw us in deeper and deeper with you.  Stir our hearts for the greatest move of God that we have experienced.  May the personal work that you are doing in our lives and families then begin to spread across churches, cities, our state, nation, and the world to be on fire for you!

Intercede for National and International Concerns

  • Financial wisdom for Christians.                                                             
  • Economy of the U.S. — The Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powel is indicating that there is an inflation crisis. Let’s bathe this need in prayer.   (Article can be located here:  )
  • Education– Pray a strengthening for influence of the family and body of Christ in the lives of children in our nation, and a weakening of the influence of secular education.  That families would take back their children. This is so vital! We are hearing of some schools closing down in other states.  As difficult as this is on many people, God can use the foolishness of men to open doors for a move of his Spirit. We have been praying about the education of America’s children for a long time.  Keep standing and praying!
  • Harrell and Lolita Hemmingway’s Refuge House in the Philippines-  A super typhoon hit the Philippines on Dec. 15th, and Harrell has not been able to contact anyone there yet to see how they are.  Please pray for the children and families who are connected to their ministry and all who live in that area.  Update from Harrell: “Everyone at the Mission House and Refuge House are Ok!” The Mission House only has minor roof damage. Many there are not as fortunate, so can continue to pray for them.  They have much food and supplies that need to be shipped to the Philippines, so please pray for the finances to get those shipped over.
  • Pray for our President and other governmental authorities.
  • The body of Christ everywhere to walk in the triumphal procession that the Lord leads us in.
  • Pray for Judges and Courts. 
  1. The Supreme Court Judges will make their final decision regarding the case to overturn Roe vs Wade this next summer.  At the very least it will be a case to return the whole question of abortion back to the states. It will not end abortion in the entire nation but it will give the states authority to legislate whether abortion will be allowed or not and what limitations will be on it. They have many months to mull over this case before their final decision, so it is important to  pray for them during the months ahead!
  2.  The Satanist Temple is suing Texas for the right to engage in abortion rituals.  Pray for the eyes of people to be opened to the blatant evil going on and for more and more people to turn to the One True God. Please pray for wisdom concerning this law suit. (For information on this case:  )

New Year Prayers from Acts 4:23-35 shows how the disciples prayed in their new season  with the challenges they faced.  Let’s pray similarly.

  1. For boldness which is Holy Spirit inspired and directed for each circumstance and occasion
  2. That the Father would stretch out his hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of his holy servant and Son, Jesus. There are great needs.
  3. Ask for fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit
  4. A oneness of heart and mind among believers, increased fellowship and sharing, and power in our testimonies.


We are praying for all of our intercessors and your families! 

“‘The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’  Lev. 6:24-26


The Jehovah Shamah Team for The Intercessor’s Call
Written by Suzanne Blanton Bickel
TIC Team: Suzanne Bickel, Terry Bickel, Libby Blanton Hinkle, and Lee Hinkle

Jehovah Shamah Ministries Inc. (386) 201-8940
25616 NW 122nd Ave
High Springs, FL 32643.

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